Inauguration Day, love it or dread it, but here we are…
This American —who-didn’t-want-this-day-to-ever-come is binge eating my way through the day….And come 5 o’clock, there may be some glasses of wine….
Here we are….after 4 years of watching the heroic January 6th Commission prove that he incited the revolt on our Capital, The Trial (Guilty of all 34 counts!), the endless campaign and all the disinformation, outright lies and promises of retribution, You Know Who will take the office of President — again.
We all have heard the maxim,
“Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me.”
And I’ll add the definition of ‘insanity:’
Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
I digress, on purpose.
I started my binge lunch as Melania You Know Who was being walked into the Rotunda….yikes! She looks like Mary Poppin’s grandmother!
My mini-cup of Marcella Hazen’s minestrone soup, which I have doctored with an Italian sausage, is not digesting well.
But to be kind….no.
Actually my meditation this morning encouraged me to say as my affirmation,
“Today, I will judge nothing that occurs.”
Okay, no judging, just allowing.
Now I’m allowing the grilled Gouda cheese with roasted peppers, tomato, red onion and arugula sandwich to also digest and I’m telling you that this combination swimming in my stomach is not happy. And I was so happy with myself for coming up with that sandwich!
Okay, here You Know Who (YKW) comes. Deep breaths! Deep breaths!
My only hope is that the former presidents in attendance (Yay, Michelle for not attending, if that was your wish!) will collectively breathe on YKW some wisdom from their pasts as upholders of our democracy.
Fanfare, deserved (Hail to the Chief) and undeserved whatever song played for Vice YKW.
Here we go! Be brave, fellow Americans! Oh, and Canadians and Danish and everyone else in the world!
I am sort of jesting here, and I wasn’t going to watch this ceremony at all, but over the course of the morning, during which I spend 4 hours watching my beautiful toddler grandkids play and chatter, I decided to stare down any fear I once felt, be fierce and email daily all the sane legislators we have in this country and remind them of their sworn duties, just in case they dare take a minute to pick up a cup of coffee. Vigilance!
Elizabeth Warren! Bernie Sanders! Angus King! All the others who know what a democracy is and should continue to be.
Breaking news during Amy Klobuchar’s introduction: President Biden has ordered pre-emptive pardons for all his family members (and I hope himself!) Whew!
Just so you know, I never eat that much (soup and a whole sandwich) at lunch. I won’t have dessert, but I do have some leftover oatmeal and I could make cookies (for later) out of that. We shall see.
Blah, blah, blah.
Omg, should I watch the Bible explode when YKW puts a hand on it? I’ve gotten this far, and don’t yet have heart palpitations, so why not?
I have to close this now. I have nothing left, but a silent invocation aka a prayer.
Stay fierce, my friends, and get those emails going!
For dinner, I may make ….oh, my God did they exhume Billy Graham?
I’m waiting for Kamala to start laughing, because she seems to not be able to keep a smile off her lips. Godspeed, Kamala and Doug!
P.S. Y
You can write to Senator Angus King from Maine at
No matter what state you live in or country. Just tell him how you feel about how the next 4 years should proceed.
Much love, Kate